Type guards and conditional types in typescript & prelude-ts

Posted on April 7, 2018 by emmanuel
prelude-ts typescript functional-programming

This post describes how the prelude-ts functional programming library takes advantage of typescript type guards and conditional types. It also introduces these typescript features in a more general context.

What are type guards

Predicates and type guards

Let’s first define predicates: predicates are functions returning booleans. For instance, isPositive is a predicate:

function isPositive(x: number): boolean { return x >= 0; }

Type guards, then, are special types of predicates. What they return can be seen as special kinds of booleans. Type guards live purely in the type world and have no effect on the runtime at all. At runtime they behave as simple predicates. You can use a type guard to let the compiler infer a more precise type for a value in a certain context.

Problem to solve

Let’s say we use either inheritance or discriminated unions. For instance:

class Some<T> {}
class None<T> {}
type Option<T> = Some<T> | None<T>;


abstract class Option<T> {}
class Some<T> extends Option<T> {}
class None<T> extends Option<T> {}

An Option is a value which is either present (the option is a Some), or not present (the option is a None). For instance:

Option.of(5)          // value is present (it's 5), dynamic type is Some<number>
Option.none<number>() // value is not present, dynamic type is None<number>

Trying to read the value of an empty option makes no sense. For that reason, prelude offers two ways to read the value of an Option: Some.get and Option.getOrThrow. The latter is available on both Some and None, but get is available only on Some. Calling getOrThrow on a Some will return the value, but it will throw if called on a None.

myOption.getOrThrow() // will get the value or throw if it was a None
mySome.get()          // will compile only if mySome is a Some

So you should try to convince the compiler that all your uses of options are safe, so that you can use get (or maybe getOrElse), but avoid getOrThrow.

So, if we did offer a function isSome(): boolean, you could do:

if (option.isSome()) {
    // or..

That’s right, we must cast to Some, how would the compiler know for sure that we are in fact dealing with a Some? We can see the if, but the compiler doesn’t know it’s relevant if we don’t tell it.

Introducing type guards

When using type guards, typescript does flow control analysis (pioneered by Facebook’s flow) so that the explicit type cast is not necessary.

In prelude, both Some and None offer a isSome and a isNone method. But instead of returning boolean, they return x is Some<T> and x is None<T>.

class Some<T> {
    isSome(): this is Some<T> { return true; }
class None<T> {
    isSome(): this is Some<T> { return false; }

isSome and isNone are therefore type guards, not simple predicates.

Use in if

With type guards, we can do:

// here myOption has type Option<number>
if (myOption.isSome()) {
    // here myOption has type Some<number>
} else {
    // here myOption has type None<number>

So the static type of the variable as seen by the compiler will depend on the context in which the variable is used. That is the code flow analysis we were referring to previously.

Careful though. We’ll get the None type in the else branch only if we use the type Option<T> = Some<T> | None<T> and NOT if we use the inheritance form (abstract class Option, and Some and None extending it). The reason is that inheritance is an “open” relationship: you can add at any time a third class which would inherit from Option and so the typescript compiler cannot say for sure that if the type is not Some, that it then must be None. But if we say quite literally that Option=Some|None instead of using inheritance, then the compiler can do that.

So, no more casts in our if and else, and less unsafe getOrThrow calls. That’s already awesome, but we’re just getting started!

Before we move on further with type guards, note that about the Option case in particular, let me mention that prelude-ts also offers a pretty nice match 1 method on Option, enabling to do:

    Some: x  => "got " + x,
    None: () => "got nothing!"
// => "got 5"

But now, back to type guards!

Use in filter

Besides “simple” cases like if statements, type guards can also be used (even in the typescript standard library, on Array, and also in prelude-ts’s collections of course) on filter for instance.

Vector.of(Option.of(2), Option.none<number>(), Option.of(3))
// => Vector.of(Option.of(2), Option.of(3)) of type Vector<Some<number>>

So we take a vector of three options, two Some and one None. And then we filter the collection to keep only Somes. The collection is properly filtered, but note that the type of the result is not anymore Vector<Option<number>> but Vector<Some<number>>: typescript realized that since we filtered by a type guard, the generic type of the result collection must be a Some.

Prelude-ts also offers typeOf and instanceOf helpers, so that we can do:

// => Vector.of<number>(1,2,3)

The type of the result is not anymore Vector<number|string> but Vector<number>. This is possible because of the type signature of filter:

class Collection<T> {
    filter<U extends T>(fn:(v:T)=>v is U): Collection<U>;
    filter(predicate:(v:T)=>boolean): Collection<T>;

As you can see, the type signature is overloaded. The first, more precise, definition, accepts only type guards and returns collections with another type (U, which must extend T). While the second, catch-all signature, accepts plain predicates, and returns a collection of the same type T as the input.

Here’s a more motivating example, with something else than just options:

const canvas = Option.ofNullable(document.getElementById("myCanvas"))
    .getOrThrow("Cannot find the canvas element!");

Keep in mind that also Option offers a filter method. So what we do here, is that we lookup an html element in the DOM, by the id “myCanvas”. But if there’s no element by that name in the DOM, we’ll get back null, so we use Option to encode that. Also note that getElementById returns us a HTMLElement.

So our next step is to make sure we’re in fact dealing with a canvas element, using instanceOf(HTMLCanvasElement). But here’s the trick: that call to filter will not only make sure that we are dealing with a canvas element (if not we’ll get a None after the filter), but also change the type of the Option.. After the call, typescript will know that we’re dealing with an Option<HTMLCanvasElement>, not anymore an Option<HTMLElement>! That’s the magic of type guards.

Use in partition and conditional types

partition is a pretty traditional FP function. It allows you to split a collection in two collections, depending on whether or not a condition is met. For instance:

Vector.of(1,2,3,4).partition(x => x%2===0)
=> [Vector.of(2,4),Vector.of(1,3)]

So it returns a pair of collections. This can be very handy for instance when you have a list of computations which may or may not have succeeded, and you would like to split that list in two lists, one for all the successes, and one for all the failures. But there are plenty of use-cases.

Using typescript 2.8.1 and older, the best that we can achieve in prelude-ts is:

// => [Vector.of<number>(1,2,3), Vector.of<number|string>("a","b")]

As you can see, the compiler is smart enough to understand that the first sublist returned by partition will contain only number elements. That is because the definition of partition takes advantage of type guards:

class Collection<T> {
    partition<U extends T>(predicate:(x:T)=> x is U): [Collection<U>,Collection<T>];
    partition(predicate:(x:T)=>boolean): [Collection<T>,Collection<T>];

Again we have an overloaded definition. If the parameter is a type guard, then instead of returning Collection<T>, we can return Collection<U> for the first sublist.

But if we return to our example.. We had number|string, and we partitioned on whether the element is a number. And typescript didn’t realize that the second sublist could have the type string instead of number|string.

To achieve that, in effect we have to tell the compiler that the type of the second sublist is the generic type of the input collection, minus the type that we keep for the first sublist. Type subtraction? Sounds impossible to express right?

Except that typescript 2.8.1 has added conditional types. There is actually a bug in 2.8.1 (which is the latest version of typescript as I’m writing this blog) which prevents prelude-ts from taking advantage of the feature, but 2.8.2 will have the fix, and that lets us achieve this:

// => [Vector.of<number>(1,2,3), Vector.of<string>("a","b")]

Or even:

// => [Vector.of<number>(1,2,3), Vector.of<string|boolean>("a","b",true)]

The new type signature that we need to achieve that is now:

partition<U extends T>(predicate:(v:T)=>v is U): [Collection<U>,Collection<Exclude<T,U>>];
partition(predicate:(x:T)=>boolean): [Collection<T>,Collection<T>];

Notice that the generic type for the second sublist in the result is Exclude<T,U>, which expresses exactly what we want to say: T is the “base type”, U is the “more specific” type, give me the types left if you consider all the types matching T, minus the specific type U.

Besides Exclude, typescript 2.8 adds a number of such predefined conditional types: Extract, NonNullable, ReturnType, InstanceType.

More about conditional types

It is very satisfying to understand that these predefined conditional types are not each hardcoded in the compiler. The “only” mechanism known to the compiler is the ability to express conditions on types, compute a type based on other types and a condition like T extends U ? X : Y.

Everything else is built upon that and the fact that conditional types are distributive. So if we follow the specific example of Exclude.. Its definition is:

 * Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;

The typescript handbook explains the distributiveness aspect like this:

Distributive conditional types are automatically distributed over union types during instantiation. For example, an instantiation of

T extends U ? X : Y

with the type argument A | B | C for T is resolved as

(A extends U ? X : Y) | (B extends U ? X : Y) | (C extends U ? X : Y).

So, let’s try to resolve Exclude<string|number|boolean, number>:

1. Exclude<string|number|boolean, number>

2. string extends number ? never : string
 | number extends number ? never : number
 | boolean extends number ? never : boolean

3. false ? never : string
 | true ? never : number
 | false ? never : boolean

4. string | never | boolean

5. string | boolean

And that’s exactly what the typescript compiler is doing behind the scenes!

This improved partition is currently implemented in a branch in prelude-ts, to be merged to master when typescript 2.8.2 is released.

Beyond Option

We’ve talked about discriminated types and type guards in prelude-ts for Option. But this pattern is applied in a number of contexts in prelude-ts, beyond the case of Option.

We have:

To take an example with linked list, this means that we can do:

if (!myLinkedList.isEmpty()) {
    return myLinkedList.last().get();

While for instance Vector doesn’t have the feature (it has other very important advantages though), and on vector we must do:

if (!myVector.isEmpty()) {
    return myVector.last().getOrThrow();

What’s happening in the linked list example is that inside the if, the type of myLinkedList is not anymore LinkedList<T> but ConsLinkedList<T>. Which means that we know that the list contains at least one element. Therefore last doesn’t return Option<T> but Some<T> (and the same holds for head), and so we can call Some.get instead of the basic Option.getOrThrow.


Type guards and conditional types allow us to give more information to the type checker so that the compiler can infer a more precise static type for values, letting us write safer programs. These mechanisms, like all type-level mechanisms in typescript, have no effect at runtime, they only allow us to express to the compiler type-level reasonings that the developer would otherwise do mentally: now they can be double-checked and made explicit by the machine.

That’s it for today! You can learn more about my typescript functional library prelude-ts through its website, user guide and apidocs.

  1. some trivia: match is the catamorphism for Option.