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Interface ProjectSettings

Configuration for a ng-typeview project.


  • ProjectSettings




attributeDirectives: AttributeDirectiveHandler[]

List of attribute-bound angular directives to handle during the analysis. defaultAttrDirectiveHandlers contains a default list; you can use that, add to that list, or specify your own.


blacklistedPaths: string[]

Folders within the project to exclude from analysis (for instance external JS libraries, the folder where your typescript is compiled to javascript, and so on).


ctrlViewConnectors: ControllerViewConnector[]

List of controller-view connectors to use. defaultCtrlViewConnectors contains a default list; you can use that, add to that list, or specify your own.


ctrlViewFragmentExtractors: CtrlViewFragmentExtractor[]

Controller view fragment extractors. For instance, you may have view fragments present in your controllers, for instance ng-grid has 'cell templates' which typeview can also type-check through this mechanism. Extractors allows you to tell ng-typeview about those.


extraCtrlViewConnections: ControllerViewInfo[]

Hardcoded controller/view connections that'll be added to the ones which were autodetected through ctrlViewConnectors. Useful in case it's too hard to parse some connections from source.


modelViewConnectors: ModelViewConnector[]

List of model-view connectors to use. These tie model files to views. This allows to express non-controller models, such as directive models for instance. defaultModelViewConnectors contains a default list; you can use that, add to that list, or specify your own.


ngFilters: NgFilter[]

List of angular filters to handle during the analysis. You can use defaultNgFilters, add to that list, or specify your own.


path: string

The path for the project on disk (root folder)

Optional resolveImportsAsNonScope

resolveImportsAsNonScope: undefined | true | false

When resolving the scope for variables in the view, we prefix "$scope." for all variables except those defined in the view. For instance, a ng-repeat will define local variables. For these, we do not prefix with "$scope.". 99% of the time, that works great. One issue that can come up though, is if you have static fields for instance. If you read MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD... That'll work in javascript and angular, due to the TS->JS transpilation. But in ng-typeview, we can't declare on the scope a field of type [class of MyClass], so that field.MY_STATIC_FIELD would work. So a workaround is to specify in your controller: import MyClass = api.MyClass; In that case, if you enable this resolveImportsAsNonScope option (disabled by default), ng-typeview will not resolve MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD as $scope.MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD anymore, but as MyClass.MY_STATIC_FIELD. And since we copy the imports in the viewtest, it should work. But it's pretty messy, so we rather encourage you to avoid statics if at all possible.


tagDirectives: TagDirectiveHandler[]

List of tag-bound angular directives to handle during the analysis. defaultTagDirectiveHandlers contains a default list; you can use that, add to that list, or specify your own.

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