The Function1 constant allows to call the Function0 "static" methods.
The Function1 constant allows to call the Function1 "static" methods.
The Function2 constant allows to call the Function2 "static" methods.
The Function3 constant allows to call the Function3 "static" methods.
The Function4 constant allows to call the Function4 "static" methods.
The Function5 constant allows to call the Function5 "static" methods.
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Rich functions with helpers such as Function1.andThen, Function2.apply1 and so on.
We support functions of arities up to 5. For each arity, we have the interface (Function1, Function2, ...), builders are on functions on Function1Static, Function2Static... accessible on constants named Function1, Function2,...
const combined = Function1.of((x:number)=>x+2).andThen(x=>x*3); combined(6); => 24 const plus5 = Function2.of((x:number,y:number)=>x+y).apply1(5); plus5(1); => 6