Reduces the collection to a single value. Left-associative.
Vector.of("a", "b", "c").foldLeft("!", (xs,x) => x+xs);
=> "cba!"
The initial value
A function taking the previous value and the current collection item, and returning an updated value.
Reduces the collection to a single value. Right-associative.
Vector.of("a", "b", "c").foldRight("!", (x,xs) => xs+x)
=> "!cba"
The initial value
A function taking the current collection item and the previous value , and returning an updated value.
Reduces the collection to a single value by repeatedly calling the combine function. No starting value. The order in which the elements are passed to the combining function is undetermined.
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Reduces the collection to a single value using the associative binary function you give. Since the function is associative, order of application doesn't matter.
HashSet.of(1,2,3).fold(0, (a,b) => a + b); => 6